Is this some kinda wishlist?

I love green-green luscious lawn outside the door for bergolek-golek with Azman Miki. They must be surrounded by bushy shrubs with fragrant flowers. I want a lot of bougainvillea so glorious in color. I want a nice little garden. I want! I want!

I want a patio that overlooks the garden. I want to have breakfast, tea and my late night hot chocolate while sitting there looking at my flowers. I wanna watch Miki jumps up and down on the lawn while I snuggle with a book on a comfy chair. I want that nice patio. I want! I want!

I want a new handbag that is purple in color… Eh silap topic!

I want vintage instruments to hang on the wall. I want that rusty old saxophone and posters from the 60’s. I want a retro dining room that is totally old school. Mismatch drapes and Azman’s gramophone and a foosball table. I want that dining room! I want! I want!

Haiii.. bilalah nak pindah rumah ni. I cannot wait!

Author: Diyana

10 thoughts on “Is this some kinda wishlist?

  1. Diyana,

    Sorry for the lack of pics in my blog. haha. konon nak remain anon, so that boleh let off steam esp when it is work related. hahaha. i’m currently working di gedung buku (tips:not a bookshop) with a uni in skudai. 😉

    ok, balik pd topik posting hari ini, i understand very well how do you feel!! i pn sdg menunggu rumah baru utk siap. tiap2 mlm tidor dgn katalog ikea, impiana, impiana dapur, dan impiana laman! hehehe.

    anyway, let’s start sketching our dream kitchen and garden!!

  2. to have a lot of bougainvillea? u got to be kidding me girl! bougainvillea adalah utk rumah org yg mempunyai bibik yg rajin ataupun suri rumah yg hobinya menyapu laman 24jam sehari.

    need gardening tips, not self and linda are the best. we buy at the same place and know where to get cheap plants, how to take care of em, which grass to choose and how to take care of them all. i’m offering to be your guide in jalan jalan cari pasal versi tanaman dan bunga-bungaan unless you can persuade linda to tell the truth on the exact location and price to buy all the stuff la kan

  3. hawa, lambat lagi la rasanya. umah baru sama latitud dengan umah skrg. takleh cakap exactly mana. u dont know who is reading this.huhu

  4. U GUYS GOT FOOSBALL TABLE…??????? EHEM EHEM EHEMM.. So when do i get to come over at your current house since the new one lmbt lagi..??

  5. penantian memang amat menyeksakan…mcm akak dulu masa belum siap rumah, setiap petang gi tgk..tak ada dinding, nampak rangka n atap pun jadilah… ha ha ha

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