My new favorite chick! Lemon & Garlic Baked Chicken Recipe

Ever since I got the scare of Azman getting sick the other day, our family has had some changes in our daily routines and of course diet. Although my hubster is indeed healthy and well, but I looked at the incident as a wakeup call and we have to watch what we are eating not by the time we reach 40 or 30 or next month or after the next Raya BUT TODAY! We gotta eat healthy starting today!! ( I watched too much House, i am paranoid of diseases)

I believe in two major contributors to our wellness, 1. Exercise and 2. Low fat, balanced diet. The first factor doesn’t bother me so much because although we are not exactly a gym freak due to the fact that we don’t have the time to be one but neither are we couch potatoes. We definitely need to increase the velocity of our exercise regime but at the moment we are not too bad.

Factor no.2 however effects me deeply because I am highly responsible of what my family eats. Honestly we have a pig when it comes to eating, we have fast food like wayyyy too many times a week, we eat a lot of red meat, soft drinks and all those terrific super-delicious food that contains all badass substance that clog our arteries and do other harmful things to the rest of our bodies. Sigh.. what a bad mom and wife me!

So since that day I have set a few new rules in the house including once fast food meal in a week only; cook more eat out less, and cook more healthy. They are more rules but cooking healthy is actually something for ME to have it carved inside my head and always remember.

This is what I made for dinner, it’s Lemon and Garlic Baked Chicken with vegetables and garlic bread.

1. Pound 6 cloves of garlic
2. Mix with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, chopped parsley and some black pepper if you like
3. Rub the marinate on the chicken and leave aside for 15 minutes, I used half a chicken, cut into smaller pieces to speed up cooking
4. Then let the oven do its thang
5. Your juicy chicken will be ready in 20 minutes

I served them with broccoli, beans, tomatoes and oyster mushroom. Yum! I add some garlic bread for the carb, for we need the energy! hehe

I used to make my chicken fried! Goreng berempah, goreng kunyit, goreng dengan kicap, goreng dengan itu and ini… But now I’m looking for more grilled, roast, baked recipe to lessen our fat intake. If you have nice recipes pls share with me! 🙂

I wanna live life simple and healthy…

Author: Diyana

11 thoughts on “My new favorite chick! Lemon & Garlic Baked Chicken Recipe

  1. Looks yummy!thankyou for sharing,malam ni boleh saya masak utk adik lelaki saya! 😉

    Tapi kak D, u makan macam tu sahaja or do u have any special gravy or something?TQ

  2. u can eat it with any sauce that you like, brown sauce, mushroom sauce.. just make sure its low fat! We all kan melayu kampung hanya tuhan membalas, so we ate it with black pepper sauce sebab pedas! yum! yum! yum!

    ps- adik lelaki ke teman lelaki?

  3. Don’t know if you’re a fan of tandoori, but I find it to be the simplest form of cooking (as far as baking chicken goes).

    Tandoori masala (with no added artificial flavours)
    Plain yoghurt

    Mix em all together. Bake in oven (covered with foil) for 20 mins. Boleh ganti yoghurt with lime.


    Pan grilled fish (I have no idea what type, but I did it with a siakap and it works). Use your lemon garlic marinade. Leave skin on, and pan grill the fish on both sides.

    Squeeze lime. Kalau rajin boleh buat air asam sendiri (but I’m usually too lazy to do so).


    Chicken fajitas is another. Cubed chicken (recommended bahagian dada). Pan grill the cubed chicken (if you use nonstick, there is no need for oil). Put aside. Stir fry (again, no oil needed) half an onion (cubed besar2) and crushed garlic clove with cubed bell peppers. Add stock if available, but I find that the stir fry stuff have plentiful of flavors already. Salt and pepper to taste. Add teeny bit of water, just to juice it up. Then chuck in the chicken and give it a stir, angkat dan hidang (broccoli and grilled tomatoes are a good choice of side dish).


    I’m still experimenting. 🙂

    p.s. sorry la puan, saya asyik jadi silent reader jer.

  4. Iba,
    it’s ok for being a silent reader but big great thanks for sharing recipes. to be honest I am not a fan of HEALTHY LOW FAT FOOD sebab FATTENING FOOD SANGAT SEDAP!

    But what the hell.. i have made fajitas and grilled fish many times before before but never tandoori. ill try and opted for non-spicy because Miki is trained to eat what ever the family eats. so we need to adjust spiciness to his level a lil bit..
    ah fan, yes like I wrote above.
    ejam, although i cook a lot of grilled food but most of them are pan grilled or oven grilled not charcoal/fire grilled… yg tu yg paling banyak carbon…

  5. ala bestnya diyan. u ni supermom la.terrer masak. i tak pandai. oven tu pun tak pakai lagi. nanti dtg la umah i ajar nak pakai camna. hahahahah pastu wk buku resipi u skali.

  6. eintanz, tak pandai pun.. mai hentam je… i pun baru nak belajar huhuu… by the way.. i can cook but a very bad bad baker hhehe

  7. macaroni soup!

    rebus macaroni with pinch of salt & olive oil,set it aside

    tomeh garlic, cinnamon stick, bunga lawang (olive oil and some butter for taste)

    add in chilli paste, tomato soup

    add in diced potatoes, minced meat (chicken/beef), green peas / mixed veggie

    add in water, salt, pepper & sugar for taste.

    biaq gelegak and pekat ala2 stew gituew….siaaappp!!

    makan bersama teloq rebusssss,daun sup daun bawang..

  8. hi diyana..
    just nak share resipi..i pun suka masak yg mcm ni..but i add mixed herbs and all seasoning purpose..yg lain2 sama ja mcm diyana..kalu grilled skali potatoes pun sedap..

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