:: Happiness :: The NostrilBloom Syndrome ::

Today I had the best kickboxing class ever. I am convinced that I have totally burnt off the calories from that sinful macadamia cookie crust that I consumed yesterday as the topping on my 3 scoops of heavenly hazelnut chocolate ice cream. I am very encouraged to proceed burning the ice creams fat next Friday after my weekly visit to Famous Amos.

On top of the successful fat burning endeavor, at the gym today, I was also infected with the commonly found syndrome called the Nostrilbloom Syndrome (malay – Sindrom KembangHidung) which I rarely experience except during the time my mother in law said my spaghetti sauce tasted damn good (its preego she didn’t know). It recently happened to my colleague Rena too here when we said she sounded exactly like Inul Gerudi when actually non of us know how Inul sounds like except maybe Bani caused I saw him watching her belly danced several times on youtube. But then again he had the speaker turned off completely. I still wonder why.

Anyway, back to my story, the nice instructor lady made us introduce ourselves one by one before we started. When it came to my turn I said my name is Diyana, work a couple of blocks down, married (and in the attempt to be funny I said) with a baby but unfortunately my baby is a cat. Mentally I was referring to Azman’s imaginary kitty, Si Cemong.

Some laughed, some said they have cats too, another asked if I take the hormone pills to lactate and feed my kitten.

But my instructor dropped her jaw. She spoke with utter disbelief expressing that I, Puan Diyana Yang cannot possibly be married because I, Puan Diyana Yang is very comel.

Comel is cute in Malay.


Though I am truly not very cute but I do get those kinda compliments from nice sympathetic people around me sometimes when they want something from me but the fact that she thought that I am a young girly virgin got my nostril flared pretty good.

She made my day.


Have a nice weekend.

Have a nice weekend!

Author: diyanazman

6 thoughts on “:: Happiness :: The NostrilBloom Syndrome ::

  1. first of all i cant believe i’m paying attention to this perasan blog cheh…

    secondly, if u tried hard to shed off the calories (adaka) then what should i do then, kupaih buang lemak kat kulit ni kot haha..

    anyway hang memang sengal and i wonder if the syndrome idung kembang aka perasan tu dah menular (infected) to me…

    as for bani, watching inul in silence… hmmm… patutla bantai dia bau lain macam hahah *joke*

  2. I still wonder everyday why do I subjet myself to this mental and emotional torture everyday by reading your perasaan blog. Not just that, you continue to physically torture me in the office too hehehehe.

    But then again Puan Diyana you memanglah cute. I was utterly dumbfounde when I discovered that someone as sengal as you can be married(??) but as time goes by I learn to accept the fact that yes, you can be that sengal and be married too at the same time


    Oh babes, you know I lap you bebeh and may you be cute (and sengal) forever!

  3. korang kompom ke yg korang tengok aku watching the clip with the sound off tu clip si inul…hmmmmmm….clip lain kot har har har….

    eventhough korang ni sengal tahap dewa (may god protect me from this virus!!!), korang will neber neber neber infected me with it….

  4. hehe..D..sorry lah lambat baca blog..PC kat umah rosak..waaa.. :(( anyway…bukan jer hang yg terkena syndrom hidong kemabng ..ekeke….akak pon kena gak…ader orang ingat akak 17thn…waaahhhhh…..10 tahun lebih muda!! seronok tak terkira!!! bukan setakat hidung kembang…buntutu pon kembang…akakakaka..biasalah kita kan awet muda…heheheh.

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