Salam and kiss, kiss, kiss…

Oh my God! I cannot believe my son can be so overrr!! Talk about taking after his father, alright! You see, it has been ages since Miki knows how to slap a High Five! But I have been feeling a little guilty because isn’t shake hand or bersalam is a bigger priority?

So we have been teaching him how to salam and cium tangan for a couple a times and now I think he has really mastered the skill la…

And Miki being Miki, he put a little twist to it like he always does and got me and his Daddy chuckling with laughter.

Miki, we know we have been teaching to kiss our hands when bersalam, but you don’t have lah to kiss until THREE TIMES! Hahaha! Are you protesting or what?


Do watch the video, 1st salam and kiss Daddy’s hand, then kiss Daddy’s hand again for longer time. 3rd time, kiss Daddy’s hand and add some fresh saliva.. slurp!
4th, try to remove saliva with thumb!

Hahahaha.. such a naughty kid!

Mummy and Daddy loves you Luth Mikael! 🙂 Thank you for the joy you brought into our lives…

Video taken when Luth Mikael was 12 months old.

Author: Diyana

14 thoughts on “Salam and kiss, kiss, kiss…

  1. ok…aku tau taktik nak salam cimiki…pastikan aku menarik tangan aku pada salaman yg kedua agar bebas dari ancaman salivanye itu….miki pasti tidak berjaya utk membasahi aku lagi hahahahahahahahaha

  2. tu saliva ke hinguih… agaknya tu la ubat tuk kegilaan bani hahah

    but aku masih teringat cimiki urut tangan aku time aku drive jhangpa pi airport hehehe so cute, siap senyum2 lagi hehe

  3. miki sgt chomels! kids at this age do the cutest things!
    my kids ade yg cium tgn smbil ~mmwah~, ade yg letak tgn i kat pipi.. yg letak tgn kt dahi pun ade! 🙂

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