Water Babies

The heat is on. Literally. The sunny season is here, toasting our equatorial climate hotter than ever. And the best thing is, it is reported that the heat will linger around till September. So, all these while dipping in the pool has been our must-do weekend activity but now it is a Diyanazman clan’s wajib-do activity.

I really enjoy lounging on the beach chair under the shady tree by the pool and completely forgetting about mocha that is turning into long black. I am talking about my skin. And then jump into the pool with the guys and let the cool cool water wash away the heat from our bodies. Heaven!

Check out these pictures taken on Mother’s Day break. Uber cool huh?

I love my two water babies! Really awesome dudes! Check out my brave lil Luth Mikael, 15 months old going deeper and deeper down the water like it’s just a piece of cake, and riding on his Daddy’s back like dolphin. Haha!

Need to do this mega cool-down more often..

Swimming down…

water baby with dad
Going deeper…

water baby Luth Mikael 15 months
Miki the water baby…

Author: Diyana

32 thoughts on “Water Babies

  1. Tres cool! It looks refreshing just looking at them 🙂

    Darius loves water too. Not like Miki the dolphin boy though, but more like palatypus in a shallow water splashing around in his tub 😉

    I read somewhere that babies move better in water hence they can swim if you throw them in a pool.

    But yeah, this is AWESOME!

  2. hak hak hak..aku teringat citer ‘water boy’..tapi tak lemas pulak cimiki nih!! hebattttt…!!!

  3. tersangat la cool!! miki is soo gonna be a swimmer yang handal. i want that camera!!!!!

  4. owh boleh tambah tak, sebenarnya you la yang ter cool sebab obviously you are underneath the water as well and you allowed miki to dive! sangat cool ok. kalau i memang kepit lagi.

  5. Mien, aah kan! macam otroman.. haha~thanks~
    Frankie, Darius is platypus? ehehe i thought he is the cutest ikan keli putih melepak yg mengeletis di dalam air.. hehehhe.. heard about what u read too… the younger the baby the more natural they are in water.. 🙂
    niZE, miki tidak lemas mahupun menangis… yg menangis hanyalah bani.. Miki pandai tahan napas lama-lama woooo!
    Fatin, jom!!!~
    Bie! welcome to my blog!! hehe Miki tak panic.. dia enjoy!
    Ejam Aris, mmg agak best jugak la… tapi ni dalam swimming pool ni sebab dinding dia biru so air nampak biru je.. kena gi snorkelling la pulak pas ni.. hmmm~

  6. Bani, alang2 nak beli camera, beli la camera waterproof cam ni… boleh hang tangkap gamba hantu air pulak..
    Den, cayalah!!!~
    Cikpuanmuda, thank u! aii takkan auntie cpm leh lemas kot? over nyeee!hehe
    Mommy to Chumsy! thanks! so far he is brave laa.. so far so good.. hehe
    Eintanz, i mmg nak Miki jadi handal berenang bukan macam I ni ha.. dalam tab mandi pon boleh mati kelemasan kot?! i cool mende?! pakai contact lens susah siot nak masuk dalam air..
    ina, miki ajak baby apip swimming sekali..
    Lin, mmg Miki lepak ajee menyelam.. iris kalau pakai bikini mesti comel kan?
    Azman Zainal, kalau dari kecik lepas pantang dah kena campak lam air.. pandai lah dia.. :p

  7. rafidah, hang kek besday aku pun hang dah lupa nak ajak swimming pulak..hehe
    Lin, welcome to my blog. yes he can hold his breath underwater. But my photos cant beat yours la.. hehe.. thanks
    ayahanda miki sentapz ka? kan mummyanda dah pooji kat atas tu… chewah!

  8. mmg cool la cimiki duk dalam air…. gaye macam boleh idup dalam air jerk… heuheuheuhe…

    cermin mata renang abg man kot yang leh nampak hebat…. hahahhah

  9. OMG I’ve addicted to your blog. Huhu! Kagum gilaa…! i know that babies do well in the water sbb die dah biase dalam perut kan. Is it really U campak miki after pantang? Kene be that early kah? Wuwu xsaba nak ade baby n create him/her jd insan yg cool dan adventurous!

  10. Phy, Thanks. Great to get another reader. We campak Miki dalam pool at 3 or 4 months old (tak ingat). Yeeaa.. jadikanlah anakmu ittew insan yg cool and adventorous boley kawan dengan Miki… yeaaa!!! (mereka kena jd insan beriman jugak insya Allah)

  11. i teringin sgt nak campak ryan dlm water.. tp takut i pulak yg trus terjun tiruk nak selamatkan dia.. what la mama nie……..

    anak omputih kecik2 lg dah campak dlm water.. then slowly dia float sdiri… nie aunty i yg ckp.. huhu… serius beb.. CAMPAK KAY!!!

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