The Eclectic Eccentric – Beautiful Eye Candy Photos

In interior design they have really fancy shmancy names for their concepts like Modern Contemporary, Tropical, Zen, Bohemian, English etc. For my house it has got to be something different. And I am still thinking about it.

Here are some pictures I found on the net, take note these are not pictures of my house! Kang bising satu dunia Diyana tu berlagak ada ke kat dapur nak pasang chandelier! Aku tampar kang? Aku kata aku suka je.. tak bermaksud aku nak copy sebijik-bijik design dia. Dan kalau aku buat pun ada aku mintak duit kau? Sentappp!

I think they are really inspiring so I paste them here for our viewing pleasure.


I love a colorful room for Miki, but since that kiddo is super hyper, his room must only be baby blue or green. Else he would absorb all the colorful energy from the room and turn it into a battle zone. This one is really cute. If we got time Mummy will paint mural on your wall ok Miki? Kalau jadi cantik Mummy la lukis tu.. Kalau senget2 Mummy gives credit to Daddy.. haha


I love this flooring!!! I want! I want!


This picture got my attention because Azman has the exact same guitar karan. Yes my beau plays the guitar, I think it is sexayyyy… Other than that I love the mismatch couch and chairs. Love the color contrast and carpet.


Owh this terrace looks so cosy! Love it! Where do I find nice outdoor furniture that doesn’t cost as much as a Japanese car? I want them for my patio. And I will hang my petunias on the ceiling. Sweet!


Oh my goshh.. I love this one so much! This is so retro that screams coolness!!

Ok, so if I get really inspired by these photos and kinda copied them a little bit here and there, I am gonna have on-the-farm cool blue room for Miki, retro black and white kitchen, English style cosy garden and colorful rojak living and dining room. I am gonna call it The Eclectic Eccentric! Yes, I like that!

The Eclectic Eccentric design concept for our house. I just have to ensure the Pontianak won’t follow us there. Then it would be perfect!

Author: Diyana

21 thoughts on “The Eclectic Eccentric – Beautiful Eye Candy Photos

  1. Akak suka rumah yang ada verandah…boleh bersantai2 kat luar rumah…the kitchen with the black & white checked tiles memang cantik

  2. How sure are you that there is no pontianak in this new house already? ;p

    I love the cosy terrance as well~

    Bestnya kalau ada angin sepoi sepoi sambil baca buku dan minum hot tea di ruang tersebut 🙂

  3. opY like the retro kitchen jugak!oh so simple and coolness!

    saya volunteer nak lukiskan mural utk miki boleh??

    (budget diriku creatip,hahaha =p)

  4. intan eidayu!
    hey! thanks for reading my blog. haha.. insya Allah.. i jemput semua dengan Chan-Chan dengan Devid-Devid sekali I jemput… hahahaha

  5. wee my fav topic! sgt cantik. tapi apa salahnya chandelier kat dapoq? i like okay. i might copy that thehehe…

  6. eintanz,
    My fav topic too!!! heheheh.. you can expect a lot of home deco entries after this. 🙂 pls share ideas ok?
    anyway, kekdah pembaca2 belog ni… mengata-ngati akak kat blkg… menci!!
    Opy, serious? are you really sponsoring Miki’s wall deco in terms of a mural???? damn cool wei kalau betul!! actually I was thinking of getting wall papers in kiddy design for his room sebab if i paint it myself, tak jadi mural… jadi murali a/l murugan. wakakakakaka
    ejam, mmg best tapi kat Msia, pencuri berleluasa so kena pasang grille. kalau dah bergrill jadinya mcm dalam penjara la pulaks
    kak anie, heheheh style retro dapur tu… lain dari yg lain.. saya suka sangattt…

  7. Shani,
    kalau ada pontianak pun she betta move ovaa suckaaa this beetch iz movinnn in….
    hahaha… mmg best I pun angan2 nak lepak2 baca buku kat situ. tapi hot tea tak best best.. hot tea dengan cekodok yg paling best!

  8. akak suker apa yang diyana paparkan gmbr2 tu. I like it. Hope diyana dpat apa yg diimpikan. Angan2 jadi kenyataan yeaah…. cuma lmbt ngn cepat jerr…. I’m sure u can get it. Rumah Ku Syurga Ku.

  9. laaa kesian org mengata tu. depa takdak rumah besaq cam kita kan kan kan….muahahhaahah over plaks. opps! aper pun akak bagi pingat emas besarr ala2 sarung kepala tertunduk takleh angkat dah sebab sangat berjaya pada umur yg masih muda trang tang tang. lovely family, cool blog (im a fan!) and oh my biggg house yang akan akan meletop selepas dihias oleh u. syabas.

  10. bestnyer…rasa xsabar nk ade umah sendiri jugak… i pun aimed new old house jugaks…xmampu nk beli umah baru huhu… kena pasang semua sendiri… bape ek u beli corner lot/semi d kat puchong?through agent ke carik sendiri?

  11. Am, thanks. gambar atas bukan rumah i tau. itu angan2 kosong tu. ehhe. beli ikut agent. u nak beli better cepat, sebab LRT nak naik kat Puchong especially Kinrara- most probably 3 stations in Kinrara alone! (weehoooo!) and price will shoot up skyrocketing! in fact skrg pun harga duk naik mendadak.. maka, cepatla beli sebelum dah naik LRT sok… agent chayanunalif akan memanipulate harga property sesuka-suki hati mereka..

  12. cantekk occay….hmmm…akan dipertimbangkan untuk next home deco….aku rasa penah jumpa tiles camni…kat ne ekkk..nnti aku roger ko pasal reno2 ni sume…..

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