Aiyooo Siri Bercakap Dengan Miki

Ayoyooooo Part 1:
We were hanging out at the living room when Miki climbed up the bookshelf and an Al-Quran from the top shelf came tumbling down. An AL-QURAN!
Both Azman and I took 1.5 seconds to turn completely green. His shirt torn to pieces from the suddenly bulging muscles leaving him a huge angry Incredible in his bermuda. My shirt was torn to pieces from the suddenly bulging muscles leaving me a huge angry lady Incredible in my Spongebob panties.
“MIKIIIII!!!!!” it was a symphony of the enraged parents.
“Aiyoooo…” the little boy pulled a remorse look on his face, “Miki nak baca buku…….”
Ok. Nak tergelak tak jadi marah but Aiyoyo, actually he was just playing tearing-down-the-house.

Ayoyoooooo Part 2:

Having dinner at Syiok Kopitiam near our house. From the moment we stepped in the restaurant Miki has been chanting “Miki nak ice-cream!” non-stop about a hundred times.
Do I look like a mother that gives her child dessert together with main course?
Yes, after Miki threw his head back, put one tiny chubby hand on his cheek and said
“AIYOOOOO.. kenapa takde ice-cream?” after he looked at the absence of his favorite dessert when the order arrived.
Aiyoyo.. bad mother me.

Ayoyooooo Part 3:
Azman bought a new box of tool kit and was checking it out on the floor, scrutinizing every detail of his new treasures. Miki came menyibuk-king.
Azman said “Tak boleh!”
Miki made a very sad face “Aiyooo Miki nak tengok…”
Azman kesian “Ok, nah tengok!”
Miki tak puas hati “Aiyooo, Miki nak pegang…”
Azman nak tergelak “Nah, pegang sikit je!”
Miki grabbed the whole kit and rannnn….
Aiyooo actually he just wanted to destroy it!


Author: Diyana

13 thoughts on “Aiyooo Siri Bercakap Dengan Miki

  1. Hehehe…pandai sungguh dia menggunakan Aiyoooo tu pada waktuyang tepat…hahahha

    Mana dia belajar tu eh?

  2. miki tak tau asal usul dia kot. dulu dia ingat dia dari kelantan. skrg mungkin dia ingat dia anak angkat mamak kot. takpun haaaaaaa….yg bertanduk dan ada tongkat mcm garpu dpn rumah hang tu dah masuk dlm badan miki kot hahahahaha. ayoooooo apa suda jadi

  3. * evil laughs *

    aku terpaksa control gelak aku kat sini, or else, menara berkembar ni mungkin mengalami tremors!!!

    adik Miki ni sungguh bijak dan cheeky. heh, kalau dah anak org penang tu…. nk wat camana kan. jadi lagu tu lah.

  4. Superfluous_Babe,
    hahaha… next aku nak ajar dia cakap goyang2 kepala pulak.. haha.. btw aiyooo tu kami tak ajar ok?! taktau mana dia dengar org cakap aiyooo

  5. aiyoooo miki, terror la miki nie… selalu sgt kasi idea kat ur amma point entry blog nie..

    aiyoooo miki, meh la kasi idea kat aunty sikitttt

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